Garden Acupuncture

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Stagnation; the state of not flowing or moving, lack of activity, growth, or development

What is stagnation in the body?

Nothing good ever comes from stagnation- stagnant water, stagnant qi, stagnant life, stagnant belief systems. As the definition states, things are stuck, not moving or flowing, or growing. No matter the location of the blockage, there is always a cause and when you know the cause, you can then find the cure.

How Does Stagnation affect my Health?

Stagnation is a term often used in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and it is one of the most common imbalances in the human body. It occurs when qi and blood fail to move properly and it can cause a wide spectrum of symptoms. Some of these are:

  • Muscular pain and spasms/cramps

  • Irritability or inappropriate anger

  • Abdominal pain, constipation or bloating

  • PMS, breast tenderness, painful menses

  • Depression or mood swings

How Can I Unblock these Stagnations with Chinese Medicine?

There are many things you can do to get your qi and blood moving.

  • Take some long, slow deep, belly breaths- expanding your abdomen and relaxing your core as you inhale, pulling in your abdomen, and tightening your core as you exhale.

  • Move your body. It doesn’t have to be an hour-long personal training session. Go for a walk, do some stretching, have a dance party with your kids, chase your dog, rake the yard, or whatever feels fun or enjoyable.

  • Get some acupuncture. Your acupuncturist will determine if your stagnation is an excess or deficient condition and what meridians are being affected. They will then choose acupuncture points accordingly and possibly prescribe Chinese herbal formulas.

  • Mindfully eat- choose seasonally and weather-appropriate food, step away from your screen and stop working, chew slowly and thoroughly, and enjoy each bite.

When stagnation is in another part of your life, you will still likely notice symptoms. For example, if your job is stagnant you might have writer’s block, you might feel bored, unchallenged, or unable to move up in your company. If your personal life is stagnant you may feel a pulling sensation toward a certain place you would like to move or you might discover fundamental issues in relationships. And if your belief systems are stagnant you may feel curious about new ideas, you may feel you have outgrown ideas you were raised with, and you may start to feel very passionate about a new cause. Whatever it is that is blocked, pinpoint it and then…. take action! We are here on this earth for a short time. There is no need to sit with anything that is no longer serving its purpose. Make changes, move, flow, and grow!

Garden Acupuncture has recently unblocked its own stagnations and moved office locations. We’re still the best acupuncture in Park Slope, but are excited to have a fresh new start in 2022. We are here to help you unblock your qi stagnation and meridians. To learn about our extensive experience, visit our About page.

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