Summer is Joy

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The highly anticipated season of Summer is on its way. Most of us look forward to it for good reason- vacations, no school, long days, ball games, fireflies, lounging by the pool, lots of sun and gardens bursting with fresh fruit and vegetables. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine Summer is the season of joy, it is the time for expansion, movement/travel, growth, lightness, outward activity, brightness and creativity. The sound of summer is laughter. And of course the element related to summer is Fire.

In order to get the most out of your season of joy, follow these tips:

  1. Get Moving! Move your body by exercising and engaging in all the fun summer activities. Set out on an adventure, find a new trail to hike, a new beach to explore or even experience a new country.

  2. Fall into the Rhythm of Summer By Following the Sun- get up earlier, go to bed a bit later, and rest at the peak of midday. Use the air conditioning sparingly or only if you have a health condition. Quickly going from unseasonably cold inside air to sweltering heat of summer creates the opportunity for imbalances to occur in the body.

  3. Eat Lighter. Eating seasonally appropriate foods helps keep our bodies in balance. By eating more cooling and raw foods, we keep ourselves from overheating. But be sure to avoid an excess of cold food and drinks as this can weaken the digestive function over time. And by eating smaller amounts we can avoid indigestion, upset stomach and diarrhea. So stop by the farmers market and start picking a rainbow of beautiful veggies!

  4. Add Bitter Foods to Your Diet. Bitter is the flavor of summer and this ties in nicely with the cooling aspect because many green, bitter foods are also cooling! Some bitter foods are dandelion greens, collard greens, arugula, kale, celery, parsley.

  5. Live Life to the Fullest! The Heart and Small Intestine are the Related Organs of Summer and the heart is considered inseparable from the mind and the root of life. Socialize, get involved, but also remember to rest and find balance that will keep your heart at peace and your energy up.

  6. Laugh As Often as Possible and Have Fun. After all, it’s Summer!

Garden Acupuncture is here to serve our Brooklyn community all Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring! For more information visit our website here.