Acupuncture For Women’s Health
Whole Systems Traditional Chinese Medicine (WS-TCM) enables women to actively care for their health throughout all phases of life. WS-TCM is effective at restoring balance within the body’s systems and directing attention to areas that require circulation. To begin understanding from a Western perspective, studies have shown that by acting on the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis—the link between your central nervous system and endocrine system, acupuncture along with Chinese herbs, diet & lifestyle recommendations help to recalibrate hormone levels. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers a holistic and comprehensive approach to women's health, addressing the unique physiological, emotional, and energetic aspects of female well-being. For centuries, WS-TCM has provided effective solutions for a wide range of women's health concerns, from menstrual irregularities and fertility issues to menopause and reproductive disorders.
At Garden Acupuncture, we take the time and care to resolve conditions naturally. However, our method for integrating WS-TCM with conventional treatment also allows us to work collaboratively with your primary doctor, GYN, or reproductive endocrinologist.
Yin, Yang, Life, and Death
What is Yin and Yang? One of the fundamental principles of TCM is the concept of Yin and Yang, representing the balance of opposing forces within the body. In women's health, maintaining the balance of Yin and Yang is essential for optimal reproductive function, hormonal balance, and overall well-being. TCM modalities such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary therapy, and lifestyle modifications work synergistically to support women's health and promote balance within the body's systems. Excessive Yin or Yang as well as Yang or Yin deficiency can cause these imbalances and disruptions in hormone balance. Yang energy is light energy and represents the day, masculinity, and order, while its opposite, Yin energy, is a darker energy that represents the night, femininity, and chaos.
Fertility Acupuncture in Brooklyn
Acupuncture, a central modality of TCM, plays a key role in addressing women's health concerns by regulating the flow of Qi (vital energy) and balancing Yin and Yang energies. Acupuncture can help regulate menstrual cycles, alleviate menstrual pain and discomfort, improve fertility, and support women's reproductive health throughout all stages of life. By stimulating specific acupuncture points along the body's meridians, acupuncture can harmonize hormonal fluctuations, reduce stress, and promote emotional well-being.
Acupuncture can be particularly beneficial for women facing issues related to stress, fertility, and reproductive health, such as:
Menstrual pain
Cycle irregularities
Pelvic pain
as well as uterine fibroids, cysts, bladder conditions, recovery from C-sections, childbirth, and other circumstances. Our licensed practitioners have 50+ years of collective clinical experience, all adept in women’s health. Acupuncture for PCOS has become popular in recent years as more people become interested in “how to treat PCOS without birth control.” Dr. Jeffrey Winsauer specializes in gynecological medicine and has completed a residency in GYN and infertility at Shenzhen TCM Hospital. There, he assisted in conventional medicine—such as D&Cs, pelvic exams, ultrasounds, and pap smears—and learned TCM under the mentorship of the GYN department head, a 30-year veteran specializing in infertility. A member of the Fertile Soul CEFP Clinical Excellence in Fertility Professionals, Garden Acupuncture co-founder Alex Goldberg studied directly with Dr. Randine Lewis, author of The Infertility Cure.
Other WS-TCM Therapies for Women’s Health
Herbal medicine is another integral component of TCM treatment for women's health, offering natural remedies to support hormonal balance, regulate menstrual cycles, and address reproductive disorders. TCM herbal formulas are tailored to each individual's unique pattern of disharmony and symptoms, providing personalized solutions for conditions such as irregular menstruation, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and uterine fibroids. Herbs such as Dong Quai, Black Cohosh, and Chaste Tree Berry have been used for centuries in TCM to support women's reproductive health and promote hormonal balance.
In addition to acupuncture and herbal medicine, TCM dietary therapy emphasizes the importance of nourishing foods that support women's health and vitality. TCM dietary recommendations focus on consuming nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats while minimizing the intake of processed foods, sugar, and caffeine. Foods with warming and nourishing properties, such as ginger, cinnamon, and sesame seeds, are often emphasized to support reproductive function and balance hormonal fluctuations.
Lifestyle modifications such as stress reduction techniques, regular physical activity, and adequate sleep play essential roles in supporting women's health and well-being. TCM emphasizes the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit, and the importance of lifestyle factors in maintaining balance and harmony within the body's systems. Stress reduction practices such as meditation, qigong, and tai chi can help calm the mind, reduce stress hormones, and support reproductive health. Regular exercise can improve circulation, balance hormones, and promote emotional well-being, while adequate sleep supports hormonal balance and overall vitality.
Garden Acupuncture Provides Premium Care with Proven Results
We understand that many conditions are extremely sensitive and require expert attention. Full-length acupuncture treatments take place in clean, private rooms. We tailor treatment to you and your individual circumstances. During the initial, in-depth consultation, we examine your symptoms and, using that information identify your unique TCM patterns that need to be addressed and balanced. In addition to acupuncture, other methods of treatment may be used. Whole Systems Traditional Chinese Medicine goes beyond acupuncture and your practitioner may also provide:
Individualized Attention and Instruction
Customized Chinese Herbal Formulas
Topical Ointments, Lotions, & Washes
Nutritional Support, Information, & Counseling
Stress/Anxiety Reduction Techniques
Lifestyle/Environmental Recommendations
In acupuncture treatments, needles are commonly placed in the hands, feet, limbs, back, and abdomen. Needles are never used directly on reproductive organs. Depending on your condition—alongside factors such as diet, lifestyle, environment, stress, sleep quality, and age—relief may come within several visits, continuing to build over the course of treatment.
Traditional Chinese Medicine offers holistic and personalized approaches to women's health, addressing the unique needs and concerns of women throughout all stages of life. By balancing Yin and Yang energies, regulating Qi flow, and supporting the body's natural healing processes, TCM empowers women to achieve optimal health, vitality, and well-being. Whether addressing menstrual irregularities, fertility issues, or menopausal symptoms, TCM provides effective solutions that promote harmony and balance within the body, mind, and spirit.
Our staff is highly trained and ready to treat your individual health concerns with a customized plan for YOU. That is why our clients have given us a 4.8 rating on Google and consider us as the best acupuncture Brooklyn has! Real medicine to heal the body naturally has significant effects. Step into the office and see why we make a different in the lives of our clients.
— Sylwia D., Brooklyn