Emotional Support- Acupuncture & Beyond

acupuncture for stress

We all get overwhelmed at times, especially with all of the turmoil going on in the world. We have 24 hour access to news updates and millions of people on social media all battling for your attention. There is endless content to consume and an unmanageable number of problems that we can worry about. Not to mention all of our individual concerns of every day life. Take time to regularly listen to your body.

Are You Experiencing Any of the Following Symptoms?

  • Insomnia

  • Poor appetite or nausea

  • Headaches

  • Heart palpitations

  • Shortness of breath or feeling like you need to go outside to breath properly

  • Lack of motivation or a feeling of dread when you have a task to do

  • Digestive problems like heart burn, stomachaches, diarrhea

If you said yes to any of these, you may be having anxiety and/or depression. Any of theses issues can be chronic or short term/situational. Going through any stressful situation like moving, divorce, a health crisis, starting or ending a job, following major world events, the death of a friend or family member, a sudden unpleasant confrontation can cause a stress reaction.

Try These Self-Care Tips To Manage Stress

  • Try meditating or deep breathing. There are many apps with guided meditations if you don’t have your own practice already. In a pinch just try breathing in for a slow count of 4 and out for a slow count of 4. As you breath in, fill up your lower abdomen. As you breath out, focus on relaxing each muscle in your body, especially taking notice to drop your shoulders away from your head.

  • Create a bed time routine and get off all screens at least 30 minutes before you go to sleep.

  • Eat regularly and make healthy dietary choices.

  • Eliminate or limit caffeine and alcohol. Both disrupt sleep and can increase anxiety.

  • Make a conscious effort to spend time with friends and family whom you love.

  • Limit your time on social media and news outlets. Choose an unbiased source so that you are only getting facts and none of the dramatic hype.

  • Physical contact like cuddling with your kids, hugging your partner, curling up with your pet or even a massage at the spa can improve well being.

  • Keep a journal. The simple act of writing down what’s going on inside your head can help. Sometimes acknowledging feelings is all that is needed for them to feel less intense.

  • Exercise is scientifically proven to reduce stress and improve mood. Just be sure to do some long, slow deep breathing after any cardio to help bring cortisol levels back down.

  • Get into nature! And go barefoot. Nature is well known to improve mood and “grounding” isn’t just something hippies say. Putting your bare feet to the earth has a physically measurable grounding effect which improves health overall.

Try These Options When You Need Outside Help

When symptoms last more than a few days or are severe enough that it is effecting day to day life, it may be time to seek outside help. Here are some options:

  • Try talk therapy. From life coaches to therapists to psychiatrists- speaking your thoughts and feelings out loud to a neutral person who truly listens, can be invaluable.

  • Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs are a great option for a natural approach to physical and emotional healthcare. For thousands of years, Chinese medicine practitioners have used a holistic principle to heal. Read more about acupuncture for stress here. If you would like to learn more about acupuncture for anxiety, acupuncture for depression, or acupuncture for PTSD, click here.

  • Join a support group. Being surrounded by a group of people who have experienced what you are going through can be extremely therapeutic.

  • Pharmaceuticals should be a last resort but when prescribed by a licensed professional and taken as directed, can be a needed step in the healing process.

For more information about anxiety disorders- symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment options, click here.

Traditional Chinese Medicine seeks to restore balance within the body, mind and environment. Garden Acupuncture uses Whole-Systems Traditional Chinese Medicine (WS-TCM) to restore balance and health not only within individuals, but within our greater Brooklyn, New York community. Through acupuncture, herbs, nutrition and lifestyle support, we empower our clients to understand, improve and maintain holistic health. For more information click here.