Acupuncture Infertility Treatments: Acupuncture & Herbs Beat Drugs For Fallopian Tube Infertility

Acupuncture infertility treatments combined with herbal medicine outperformed drugs for infertility due to fallopian tube obstructions. Research was completed at the Maternal & Child Care Service Center of Puyang City on the findings from a randomized controlled study of 200 patients with fallopian tube obstruction-related infertility. After reviewing the data of the two groups at a 3, 6, 12, and 24-month timeline, a significantly higher improvement in pregnancy rates occurred in the group with acupuncture infertility treatments combined with herbal medicine against the western drug group.

The acupuncture with Chinese herbal medicine group achieved an 85% pregnancy rate while the medication group achieved a 38% pregnancy rate. As a result, acupuncture continuing education researchers conclude that acupuncture combined with herbal medicine is a more effective approach for treating fallopian tube obstruction-induced infertility than pharmaceutical drugs.

Traditional Chinese Medicine suggests there are 3 main causes of infertility falling within the categories of deficiency, stagnancy, and heat. For more information you can check out our article and video: Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine helps with infertility.

Garden Acupuncture Infertility Treatment Program

  • Individualized Attention and Instruction for 3 months

  • 24 Acupuncture Treatments

  • 16 Chinese Herbal Formulas

  • Gua-Sha, Tui Na, Cupping, Ear Seeds

  • Nutritional Support, Information, & Education