How does acupuncture work?
Here at Garden Acupuncture, we practice Whole Systems Traditional Chinese Medicine (WS-TCM), a balanced approach to treatment and prevention of illness. With our patients in mind, we’ve created custom treatment programs for Reproductive System Conditions, Fertility, Stress Reduction, Sleep Quality, Digestive Issues, Pain & General Wellness. We regularly work with doctors, specialists and trusted reproductive clinics to integrate conventional and whole-systems medicine, an integrative approach which has been shown to be safe and effective. Patients refer to us as the best acupuncture Brooklyn has to offer.
From the perspective of Western Medicine acupuncture stimulates your body’s nerves, connective tissue, and muscles. From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture activates Qi (energy) at points along each person’s Meridians, enabling the body to rebalance itself.
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Every patient has a different reaction to the needles. Occasionally, there is a slight pain that accompanies insertion, especially if the individual is uncommonly emotional or sensitive that particular day, but normally the needles are painless. After the needle is inserted, there may be a sensation of slight numbness, tingling, a dull ache, heat, cold, or heaviness in the area. This is normal and is called “De Qi,” or the arrival of Qi. It is a good sign and means that the treatment is working. For children, we can perform needleless acupuncture or Shoni Shin.
Whats the Difference? Dry Needling vs Acupuncture
Dry needling is a type of treatment used for pain, muscle tension, and mobility issues associated with myofascial trigger points. These points are areas where your connective tissue restricts joint and muscle movement. The needles stimulate the area, causing the muscles to twitch and contract, allowing for improved blood flow, and reduced pain and tightness.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese method that has been used for thousands of years to relieve pain and help treat a variety of conditions and symptoms. It balances the flow of qi and unblocks stagnation and disruptions by inserting thin needles into specific points across the body to release endorphins and stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal.
The Meridian Organ Clock
The meridian organ clock below is divided into 12 2-hour intervals of the Qi (vital force) moving through the organ systems. Acupuncturists use this clock to determine the organ responsible for certain diseases. These meridians, or pathways, throughout the body, create an energy flow, also known as Qi (pronounced “chee”). Disruption of Qi can cause disease and many other conditions. With a deep understanding of these pathways and QI, acupuncturists use thin needles to penetrate the skin at specific points throughout the body and use gentle and specific movements to stimulate the central nervous system. This releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain - which allows the body to heal itself and promote physical and emotional balance and well-being.
Ear Acupuncture Chart
Acupuncture services we provide:
Acupuncture for the common cold
Acupuncture for stress reduction
Acupuncture for smoking cessation
Acupuncture for women’s health
Acupuncture for induction
Acupuncture for men’s fertility
Acupuncture for diarrhea
Acupuncture for pelvic adhesion, polyps, & cysts
Acupuncture for constipation
Acupuncture for headaches & migraines
Acupuncture for sports injuries
Acupuncture for adrenal fatigue
And the list goes on, and on, and on…..
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