Prenatal Workouts

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Each Body is Unique

“Your pregnancy training program should take into consideration your current fitness level, your goals, your specific muscular imbalance while also addressing strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, and pelvic floor health.”

In Part One of our guest blog series with Joanie Johnson, we discussed the common goal of Chinese medicine and physical fitness being balance. This time Joanie will be explaining workout safety during pregnancy.

Part Two: Prenatal Workouts

There is a lot of conflicting information regarding working out in relation to fertility and pregnancy. An expert in the field, Joanie Johnson of Transformation Nation, has been answering these questions and has safely trained thousands of women over the years. Being certified as a Pre and Postnatal Corrective Exercise Specialist, Personal trainer, Holistic Fertility and Pregnancy Safe Coach, among other qualifications, Joanie is here to answer some of our most commonly asked questions.

What workouts are safe during pregnancy? Is prenatal yoga the only option?

While prenatal yoga can offer numerous benefits, it's not your only option. Each pregnant body is unique, and every person comes into pregnancy with different levels of strength and stamina.  This is a time to focus on balance and that includes your workouts.  Different forms of exercise can address specific needs. Incorporating a variety of exercises, such as strength training, cardio, yoga and stretching, and don't forget your favorite workout, can provide a well-rounded approach to prenatal fitness.

Do I have to change my workouts based on my trimester?

Contrary to popular belief, there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to prenatal workouts based on trimesters. Just like my point above, every pregnant person is different and needs different workouts.  Not only that, pregnancy is a dynamic journey, and your body undergoes continuous changes throughout each stage. Instead of focusing solely on trimester-specific routines, consider tailoring your workouts to accommodate your body's needs as they evolve. As a specialized Pre & Postnatal Corrective Exercise Specialist, I encourage everyone to seek out a comprehensive program.  Your pregnancy training program should take into consideration your current fitness level, your goals, your specific muscular imbalance while also addressing strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, and pelvic floor health.

Should I be doing Kegels every day?

Kegel exercises, which involve contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, are often recommended during pregnancy. However, there seems to be very little information on what that means exactly and how to do these exercises correctly.  Solely relying on kegels is not the best approach for maintaining optimal pelvic floor health. A balanced approach should include exercises that promote strength, flexibility, coordination, and relaxation of the entire pelvic floor complex. Many of your current exercises may already be training your pelvic floor without you realizing it!  Engaging in activities like squats, bridges, and deep breathing exercises all contribute to a healthier pelvic floor.  In fact, if a person already has a pelvic floor that is very tight and tense, kegels can be detrimental to the pelvic floor health. In that case, we focus on downtraining or relaxing the pelvic floor muscles in order to support their pregnancy.  The best way to know is to get assessed by a specialist to know what's right for you and learn how to take a balanced approach to help maintain strength, flexibility, and coordination.

So again, we see acupuncture treatments and workouts have a similar theme, they should be tailored to each individual person. While there are certain ways to treat pregnant women at specific times of pregnancy with acupuncture, it is vital to choose points according to each person. Seeing trained professionals for your prenatal workouts and for your acupuncture needs is the best way to ensure you have a healthy, balanced, strong pregnancy journey.

If you have any questions about how acupuncture or corrective exercise can boost your perinatal journey, don't hesitate to reach out. You can find me, Joanie Johnson, at, or my amazing colleagues at Garden Acupuncture. We're here to chat and support you every step of the way!

Joanie Johnson PPCES, DCC, CPT, is a mom, former professional dancer and visionary behind Transformation Nation.  Book a no-cost consultation to discover how we can help you embark on a fitness journey that truly transforms your parenthood experience.