Acupuncture reduces stress and improves outcomes. Research in Fertility and Sterility, an American Society For Reproductive Medicine publication, discovered that elevated stress levels persist in women who only receive a single acupuncture treatment prior to embryo transfer, but compared to other women who receive multiple acupuncture treatments, their stress levels have greatly reduced prior to their IVF transfers.
Read MoreA comprehensive program of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture have shown to reduce stress and improve male & female fertility factors. In an optimal situation, if you are planning to conceive, it is recommended that anyone contributing to the process of conception prepare and prime the body for 3 months, though you can start anytime! In addition, when using assisted reproductive therapies, it is noted that the effects of fertility treatments like IVF and IUI are maximized. Garden Acupuncture specializes in natural fertility with a customized treatment program and offers safe support for concurrent IVF & IUI treatments as we work regularly with OBGYN’s and Reproductive Endocrinologists.
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