Studies show acupuncture improves sleep. Quality sleep is more than getting the recommended amount of hours. Slow wave sleep is the portion of the sleep cycle where restoration occurs. If you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or don’t feel rested when you wake, acupuncture is a natural and effective way to address sleep quality.
Read MoreAcupuncture to increase ovulation frequency in patients with PCOS may be helpful for those trying to conceive. Garden Acupuncture specializes in reproductive system health conditions such as PCOS.
Read MoreAcupuncture for morning sickness and other pregnancy symptoms can bring relief.
Read MoreGarden Acupuncture in Brooklyn, New York located in the heart of Park Slope offers Whole Systems Traditional Chinese Medicine, which includes the practice of acupuncture. How acupuncture works, what acupuncture feels like and many other topics are discussed in their blog, The Whole Picture.
Read MoreAccording to TCM, foods are categorized by properties allowing them to be used as a type of medicine. These properties can impact different body parts and energies. When Garden Acupuncture provides nutritional counseling and monitoring, it is done so in accordance with your specific and individualized needs based on the patterns that are being balanced and corrected. For example, even eating foods that might be typically categorized as “healthy” such as cold raw salads - may be doing more harm than good if you have a cold, stagnant pattern and presenting with digestive issues.
Read MoreInfertility is complicated and generally many factors contribute to difficulty conceiving. Diet is one factor that should be addressed for fertility, and a step further - eating in alignment with what your body needs to help rebalance. Garden Acupuncture’s experience in fertility shows that all aspects of health - body, mind, spirit, lifestyle and environment - should be addressed concurrently for optimal results.
Read MoreTraditional Chinese Medicine includes many comprehensive way to observe a patient and help conclude underlying patterns causing symptoms to arise. Tongue diagnosis is one of those methods.
Read MoreWhat can you do to lose weight? Did you know Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture for weight loss is a viable option? Alex Goldberg, Co-Founder of Garden Acupuncture, specializes in acupuncture for weight loss with custom nutritional counseling and monitoring, lifestyle changes and support through the process.
Read MoreGarden Acupuncture is experienced with providing pediatric acupuncture generally for ages 5 & up. Acupuncture is safe for toddlers and infants when administered by a licensed and experienced practitioner. Garden Acupuncture recommends calling ahead if your child is under 5 years. Needle free techniques are available.
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