Chinese herbs, nutrition, lifestyle counseling and acupuncture are the main components of Traditional Chinese Medicine. When used together by an experienced practitioner of Whole Systems TCM in the area of reproductive health, success rates are improved for conception.
Read MoreAcupuncture has shown to reduce pain without the use of pharmaceuticals. Pain medications, like opioids, have too often been relied upon. Now with en epidemic of addiction and severe side effects like constipation, more natural approaches are being considered and used as a first line of treatment.
Read MoreResearch shows that acupuncture is effective for reducing pain.
Read MoreGarden Acupuncture practices Whole Systems TCM. Food - what, when & how you eat it - are an important part of this comprehensive medical system that also includes acupuncture and Chinese herbs. Lisa Metzger, co-founder of Garden Acupuncture explains gives a brief introduction to nutrition from a TCM perspective.
Read MoreWhat to do if you can’t get good sleep? You might want to give acupuncture a try. Studies are now starting to explain how and why acupuncture works for sleep related conditions.
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